QROPS For Returnees

Navigating the Terrain: Understanding QROPS for Returnees

As individuals who have enjoyed the benefits of residing abroad return to the UK, they must navigate the complexities surrounding their retirement and pension arrangements, particularly those who have invested in a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS).

This article aims to guide you through the implications, tax considerations, and the importance of reviewing your pension arrangements if you have a QROPS and have returned or are planning to return to the UK.



There are always 3 options regarding a QROPS on returning to become a UK Resident:

  1. Make no changes to the existing QROPS.
  2. Keep the QROPS but switch investments.
  3. Transfer the pension in full either back to the UK or to another QROPS.

To Understand which option may be most suitable the following needs to be considered so a fully informed decision can be made:

Technical Considerations:

  • Is a return to the UK likely to be temporary or permanent?
  • What is the level of other pensions held outside of QROPS?
  • Overseas Transfer Charge and Overseas Transfer Allowance.
  • Date a transfer to QROPS was made.

The impact of these answers could give a green or red light on whether to transfer a QROPS back to the UK.

Investments Held with the QROPS / Exit Fees

When assessing whether to transfer a QROPS back to the UK, the devil is always in the details. It is important to understand:

  • Liquidity of investment holdings.
  • Exit fees on investment products (typically an Offshore Life Assurance Bond) and the purpose of these exit fees.

Emotional Considerations:

It is a common complaint that QROPS investment returns have been poor due to a combination of:

  • High charges typically linked to high commission payments.
  • Poor investment selection not aligned to a client’s risk profile.
  • Unregulated Investments

These factors, along with the comfort in having pension assets back in the UK, often provide clients with a desire to transfer a QROPS in to the UK.

Adviser Fees and Managing Your QROPS

Professional advice is paramount when dealing with QROPS upon returning to the UK. Adviser fees are an investment in ensuring that your pension is managed in a way that optimises your financial position and complies with the complex web of regulations governing pensions.

A qualified adviser can help you navigate the tax implications, suggest ways to minimise potential charges, and adjust your pension strategy to align with your changed circumstances.

Remember, the cost of advice should be balanced against the potential long-term benefits and savings in tax and charges.

Benefits of Reviewing Your Pension Options

Returning to the UK with a QROPS presents an excellent opportunity to review your entire pension portfolio. This is not just about compliance but also about ensuring that your retirement savings are working as efficiently as possible for your future needs.

Here are several reasons why a review is beneficial:

Tax Efficiency: A review can help ensure that your pension income remains as tax-efficient as possible within the UK's regulatory framework.

A smooth process clearlyInvestment Strategy: Your investment strategy may need to change to reflect your return to the UK. Currency considerations, risk profile, and access to different markets are all factors that might necessitate a shift in strategy.explained at an initial meeting.

Lower Fees: Fees for pension administration, investment products and advice are generally lower.

Tighter Regulation: Of the adviser (FCA), location, and selected investment portfolios.

Administration and Online Access: UK Platforms offer excellent online access and visibility.

Consolidation Options: You may find that consolidating your pensions into one scheme could reduce fees and simplify management. However, this needs careful consideration, especially regarding the benefits and protections offered by different schemes.

Estate Planning: Understanding how your QROPS fits into your broader estate and inheritance tax planning is crucial, especially given the different treatment of pensions in estate planning.

Navigating Changes and Making Decisions

Upon returning to the UK with a QROPS, you are at a critical juncture where informed decisions can significantly impact your financial well-being. The landscape is complex, with tax implications, regulatory considerations, and the need for strategic management of your retirement funds. Engaging with a financial adviser who understands the intricacies of QROPS and UK pension regulations is crucial. They can provide tailored advice, considering your entire financial picture, and guide you through the necessary adjustments.

It’s also worth noting that regulations and tax laws surrounding pensions are subject to change. Keeping abreast of these changes, or engaging a professional who does, ensures that your pension strategy remains compliant and effective.

In summary, for returnees with a QROPS, proactive management and regular reviews of your pension arrangements are key to ensuring that your retirement funds are secure, compliant, and aligned with your retirement goals. Understanding the implications, being aware of the tax considerations, and seeking professional advice will place you in a strong position to manage your pension effectively in the UK. As you navigate this transition, remember that each decision regarding your QROPS can have significant long-term effects on your financial health and retirement comfort. Therefore, approach each step with diligence and the support of professional advice to ensure that your return to the UK is as financially smooth as possible.


Unethical Practices

Pension transfers (and the subsequent investment of these funds) are an area that has been targeted heavily by scammers and those using unethical practices. While the FCA has tried to crack down there are still companies finding loopholes with the intention of making quick and easy money at the expense (often catastrophically) of the policyholders.

There are often some similarities in behaviour which tends to result in very poor outcomes. These include:

Unethical Practices

Pension transfers (and the subsequent investment of these funds) are an area that has been targeted heavily by scammers and those using unethical practices. While the FCA has tried to crack down there are still companies finding loopholes with the intention of making quick and easy money at the expense (often catastrophically) of the policyholders.

There are often some similarities in behaviour which tends to result in very poor outcomes. These include:


Advice companies having offices in less regulated locations such as Hong Kong or United Arab Emirates.


Overseas Companies partnering with UK equivalent firms that are a further incarnation or offshoot of a company that has previously been closed (a search on the FCA Register of company and individual can help in finding this out).


If the UK firm has a sole purpose of proving pension transfer advice, while the investment advice is to be provided by a company notregulated in the UK or Australia.


When the UK element of the advice is described as “just a formality” or something similar.


When you are told that you do not need to meet the UK adviser.


You are not provided with an Independent Guide to Defined Benefit Transfers (normally be video) prior to you meeting with them.


Where the advice to transfer is “negative” but the adviser insists you should transfer anyway


Where the advice is to transfer out of a Defined Benefit Plan, however there is no intention of ever moving funds into Australia.


Where you receive an advice report which does not take into consideration any Australian Pension factors.


If you are told you can transfer your funds to a UK Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), withdraw them in full, then document to HMRC the withdrawal is income under the Double Tax Treaty and to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) that it is a lump sum payment not subject to income taxes.


For transfers to a UK SIPP, the pension scheme is not on the Origo system and / or has the word “International” in its name. For a pension scheme to be on the Origo system it has to pass a high level of due diligence.


If the adviser cannot explain and document fees and costs of pension advice, investment wrapper costs, investment fund costs, currency exchange costs.


If you are not asked about future residency and the possibility of this changing at some point.


If the fee for pension transfer advice (especially Defined Benefit advice) is surprisingly low, as this would normally suggest that there is a large commission payable on a product (often an Offshore Life Assurance Bond) or Unregulated Funds, both of which can cause huge problems with large on-going costs, exit penalties and Unsuitable and risky investments.


If you have been cold-called and have not contacted the adviser in the first instance or been referred to them by a trusted source.

The above list is by no means exhaustive, however if you do recognise some these behaviours, it is a good indication that something is not right. If in any doubt, please talk to us or an equivalent company.

Our Services


Australian Transfers

Our core business, Australian Pension Transfers are very much our main area of specialism. This is enhanced by working with like-minded and carefully selected partners in Australia to provide a comprehensive end-to-end solution.


New Zealand Transfers

For the right individual under the right circumstances, the New Zealand Pension Transfers could be beneficial. Transfers to Australia and New Zealand are our core business and very much our main area of specialism. This is enhanced by working with like-minded and carefully selected partners in both countries to provide a comprehensive end-to-end solution.


Shell Pensions

Many of our clients have been very high profile at Shell, and almost all want the same level of detailed and transparent advice. Most clients are UK nationals who are now living overseas, and some plan to return to the UK.


UK Resident Services

At Cradle Overseas Pensions, we are committed to providing a comprehensive range of services tailored specifically for UK residents. Our expertise extends to a variety of financial planning areas, ensuring that your financial needs are met with the utmost professionalism and care.


QROPS Pension Reviews

If you have previously transferred from a UK Pension to a Qualifying Recognised Pension Scheme (QROPS), we offer a review service to ascertain if the current QROPS is working for you or whether there may be better alternatives. Alternatives could include a full pension transfer or simply changing the structure of costs and investments within an existing plan.


Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs)

SIPPs, or Self Invested Personal Pensions, offer a flexible way for individuals to manage their retirement savings, providing greater control over investment choices. These pensions are an ideal solution for those who seek to actively engage with and tailor their retirement investments to better align with their long-term financial goals.


To achieve the best and most suitable outcome for our clients, whereby both parties are making fully informed decisions, and in a manner where our clients feel at ease through the entire process and comfortable enough to ask us anything whether they feel it is relevant to their financial situation or not.